- 醫療廢水處理項目-湘陰中醫院水處理
- 電絮凝水處理項目-萬(wàn)盛煤化二氧化硅去除
- 北平電廠(chǎng)含煤廢水電絮凝處理項目
- 電絮凝水處理項目-平頂山煤電廠(chǎng)含煤廢水處理
- 【項目上線(xiàn)】邵東服務(wù)區生活污水處理項目
Copper sulfate (CuSO4?5H2O)
Copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate (CAS # 7758-99-8) is an odorless and a very potent algicide approved under the US EPA for water reservoirs including potable water sources. It is used in large quantities in aquaculture and contained artificial ponds, where toxicity is a minor issue.
The Lake Guard Blue? is designed to minimize the dosage as well as the operational costs associated with the application of copper sulfate to a fraction of their current levels.
銅(II)硫酸五水化物(CAS # 7758-99-8)是一種無(wú)味和一個(gè)非常強大的殺藻劑批準根據美國環(huán)保署等水庫飲用水來(lái)源。它包含大量用于水產(chǎn)養殖和人工池塘,毒性是一個(gè)次要問(wèn)題。
The Lake Guard Blue?旨在減少劑量以及與應用程序相關(guān)的運營(yíng)成本的硫酸銅的當前水平的一小部分。
Sodium Percarbonate (2 Na?CO? · 3 H?O?))
Sodium Percarbonate (aka ‘Sodium Carbonate Peroxyhydrate’; CAS# 15630-89-4) is an odorless algaecide composed of Soda Ash and Hydrogen Peroxide (H?O?) which is considered to be the most environmentally friendly algaecide commercially available for the treatment of cyanobacteria. However, and although approved under the US EPA, its overall usage is quite limited. The major reason this compound did not establish itself as a viable solution are high operational costs. In addition, and unlike copper or chlorine-based compounds, its active oxygen concentration is relatively low, badly impacting its potency – especially in the context of a full lake treatment and the potential for dilution.
Moreover, the use of liquid H?O? poses serious dangers, as large quantities of the compound have to be carried on boats where they may cause significant safety issues, including combustion or physical exposure to leaks.
In contrast, the Lake Guard H?O?? dramatically reduces the operational costs associated with the application of hydrogen peroxide, as the product travels independently on the currents along the cyanobacteria. Its ability to effectively target the cyanobacteria spatially as well as vertically, further reduces the overall input required to achieve effective concentrations of H2O2 where needed. Coming in dry, granular form, it requires no special preparation or equipment reducing unneeded exposure by operators to a minimum.
過(guò)碳酸鈉(又名“碳酸鈉Peroxyhydrate”;中科院# 15630-89-4)是一個(gè)無(wú)味的除藻劑由碳酸鈉和過(guò)氧化氫(H?O?),被認為是非常環(huán)保的滅藻商用藍藻的治療。然而,盡管美國環(huán)保局批準,其整體使用是相當有限的。主要原因這種化合物沒(méi)有建立本身作為一個(gè)可行的解決方案是高運營(yíng)成本。此外,與銅或霍亂化合物不同,其活性氧濃度相對較低,嚴重影響其效力的環(huán)境——尤其是在一個(gè)完整的湖治療和潛在的稀釋。
此外,使用液體H?O?帶來(lái)了嚴重的危害,大量的化合物必須進(jìn)行船只,他們可能會(huì )導致重大的安全問(wèn)題,包括燃燒或身體接觸泄漏。
相比之下,The Lake Guard Blue H?O??大大降低了啊
Calcium Hypochlorite (Ca(ClO)?)
Calcium Hypochlorite (CAS# 7778-54-3) is commonly used as an algicide (under NSF/ANSI 60 where it is limited to 15 mg/l), as well as a bactericide, deodorant, disinfectant, fungicide and so on.
Hypochlorite is widely used in the cooling-water systems of power plants. These facilities have been authorized by regulators worldwide to treat the systems with chlorine in order to avoid biofouling. Free chlorine is later being discharged in massive quantities to adjunct water bodies. This method is regarded as ‘the best available method’ in terms of biocidal efficiency and cost effectiveness (Hergott et al., 1978). The US Code of Federal Regulations (40 CFR 423) dictates limitations on the concentration of free-chlorine and the permissible amount of chlorinated water discharge to be released into a water body per day per reactor. And yet, a power plant with a standard daily flow of five million cubic liters can release up to 200,000 kg of free-chlorine into the adjacent pond on an annual basis (see Table 3.1 in Pacey et al., 2011). Comprehensive environmental studies that have been conducted by various environmental protection agencies showed that this mass discharge of chlorine had insignificant adverse effects on fauna and flora (e.g. Brungs, 1973; Hergott et al., 1978; Sung et al., 1978; Pacey et al., 2011; Ma et al., 2011). Moreover, studies also showed that residual chlorine byproducts from these practices, such as trihalomethanes, were found below harmful levels (Hollod and Wilde, 1982; Jenner et al., 1997; Jenner and Wither, 2011).
Nevertheless, hypochlorite of any type has never been registered as an algaecide for freshwater bodies and therefore is currently not approved for use as an algaecide in surface water.
BlueGreen’s past field trials with this compound have confirmed that treatment with chlorine concentrations of under 5 g/m2 had no effect on fish, seabirds or turtles.
Moreover, our hypochlorite-based formulation (Lake Guard White?) was found to fully release its chlorine content within 60 minutes from application and to interact with the existing organic load in the water, after which total-chlorine could not be detected in the water (<0.01 ppm). In contradiction to in-vitro tests done in purified water (i.e. Clasen and Edmondson, 2006) this rapid interaction released all bound chlorine regardless of the pH range in the ponds (~pH 8.0).
次氯酸鈣(CAS # 7778-54-3)通常被用作殺藻劑(NSF / ANSI 60,限于15 mg / l),以及殺菌劑,除臭劑,消毒劑,殺菌劑等。
次氯酸鹽廣泛應用于電站的冷卻系統。這些設施已經(jīng)被全球監管機構授權處理系統與氯為了避免生物淤積。游離氯是后來(lái)出院了大量兼職水體。這種方法被認為是“*好的方法”的殺生的效率和成本效益(Hergott et al .,1978)。美國聯(lián)邦法規(40 CFR 423)規定限制游離氯的濃度和容許量的氯化水排放被釋放到水體每天每個(gè)反應堆。然而,發(fā)電廠(chǎng)和一個(gè)標準的每日五百萬(wàn)立方升流可以釋放多達200000公斤的游離氯鄰池塘
Phosphate Binders
Phosphate is a well known factor in cyanobacterial succession over other microorganisms in aquatic habitats. It is therefore logical that eliminating phosphates from the water leads to a decline in cyanobacterial infestations. Compounds such as aluminum sulfate and Phoslock efficiently bind to phosphates and sink to the sediment. In some cases, treatment of a whole lake with these compounds may prevent a few seasonal blooms.
Similar to treatments with copper sulfate and hydrogen peroxide, treatments with phosphate binders are applied subsurface, thus limiting the feasible scale for treatment, making it extremely expensive.
While considered a “preventative” measure against cyanobacterial blooms, the treatment is only effective to the extent it is able to bind with sufficient amounts of phosphate in the water. Given the abundant sources of phosphates from catchment areas, the effect of these treatments is usually short-living. In addition, and although seldom addressed, treatment with phosphate binders include drastic amounts of binders, which in turn “rains” over the sediment and chokes it. It is important to remember that bound phosphates remain in the ecosystem and under some conditions (heavy storms and water mixing) can be re-released into the water column. Worse off, the bound phosphates are regularly consumed by “bottom feeders” such as carp and are easily disturbed and compromised by normal wind and wave action in shallow lakes.
Considering the overall (limited) demand to treatment with alum salts, BlueGreen is currently developing an alum-based product, the Lake Guard Alum?, which will remove all operational obstacles associated with aluminum treatment for end users wishing to implement it.
Barley / Rice Straw
Placing barley or rice straw into aquatic ecosystems has been practiced in some places with an inconsistent effect. A recent discovery of the active compounds released from the straw (flavonolignans salcolin A and B) did demonstrate a lytic effect on Microcystis aeruginosa. However, these active compounds are not commercially available and have yet to obtain the required environmental and regulatory clearances which are likely to require long-term toxicology and environmental-impact studies.
把大麥或稻草水生生態(tài)系統已經(jīng)在一些地方不一致的影響。最近發(fā)現的活性化合物釋放稻草(flavonolignans salcolin A和B)演示了對綠膿微胞藻屬溶解性的影響。然而,這些活性化合物還沒(méi)有商業(yè)化,并獲得所需的環(huán)境和監管許可,可能需要長(cháng)期毒理學(xué)和環(huán)境影響研究。
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